
If anyone has a jucy subject that what's to share with the world please send me an email at: for Camilla Alice Black, for Green$Ivy or for Killer?Raven and the world will know........

TDDA Camilla Alice Black

joi, 8 martie 2012

Pariu cu viata....Bet with life

Hello again,

I know that the title above for many of you does not mean anything,but for me it is one of my favorites tv series that was ever made in ROMANIA.Oh yeah I forgot to mention I am from there so I decide to show you what is this tv series about.

The series is all abou love lost, found, lost again but what makes it so special is that it is a musical so here are some of the songs if you like them let me know and I will tell you more............................

  TDDA Camilla Alice Black

Here are the videos:
If you what to know more let me know!!!!!

Un comentariu:

  1. Stiu ca sit-ul asta este in totalitate in engleza dar nu ma pot abtine....Pariu cu viata este serialul meu favorit asa ca te rog eu posteza in fiecare saptamana ce ai nou despre ei,si eu o sa urmaresc blogu tau ca sa anticipat......M.A
